Best way to pitch your SaaS product!

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  7. Best way to pitch your SaaS product!
Software as a Service
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Not sure why customers aren’t interested in your SaaS company?

They’ve probably grown weary of listening to the same old, repetitive sales pitch that goes on for far too long or it may be because you are sticking to the dogmatic practice.

But don’t worry you may restore this.

While there are many different ways to pitch, konnector has come up with the best strategies to help you effectively pitch your SaaS product.

What is software as a service (SaaS)?

A cloud service provider hosts programs and makes them online accessible to users as part of the software as a service (SaaS) method of distribution. In this model, independent software vendors (ISVs) can hire a different cloud service provider to host their applications. Online office suites like Google Suite and Microsoft Office, as well as calendar and scheduling software, are common examples of SaaS applications. 

Since the SaaS provider manages product updates for security and performance on their servers, one significant benefit of web-based software is that users do not need to stay up to date with product updates. 

How is software as a service executed?

SaaS is distributed based on the cloud delivery model, where a software provider hosts the application and associated data on its servers, computing resources, networking, and databases. 

Usually, web browsers are used to access these applications. The sales process is a set of actions that SaaS sales teams take to turn prospective customers into paying customers. 

Let’s take a closer look at how SaaS is executed:

Generating leads

The first stage of the SaaS sales process is lead generation, which aims to draw in prospective customers, also known as “leads,” who are interested in the software product. Several strategies, including content marketing, social media marketing, webinars, referral programs, trade shows, and other techniques, can be used to generate inbound leads. 

You can also generate leads using automation tools such as konnector

Here’s how:

  • Get the konnector Chrome extension for free. 
  • Then, log in to the dashboard by clicking the konnector icon located in your extensions bar. 
  • Once opened, choose the “Leads” button from the left sidebar. 
  • To open a pop-up box, click the “Add Lead List” button in the top right corner.
  • By pasting the search’s URL into konnector and selecting “Submit,” you can extract leads from LinkedIn searches. 
  • The tool will automatically start scraping leads from the URL.
  • If you already have a leads list created, you can upload a CSV. 

Download the free extension and start your 30 days free trial today. 

Cold Outreach

Outbound prospecting or cold outreach, as opposed to relying solely on inbound leads, can be a successful strategy for engaging potential customers when sales teams are faced with a lack of leads. Actively seeking out potential customers who fit your ideal customer profile is known as outbound prospecting. 

This can be accomplished by using techniques like cold calling or cold email templates to make contact. At this stage, it’s crucial to research your prospects and develop messaging that speaks to their unique needs and difficulties.

Build Connections

In the SaaS sales process, the “connection” phase can either involve attracting prospects organically to your website or actively contacting them via email or an automated chat message using software like Intercom. It’s critical to reply as soon as possible if a potential customer contacts you via your website. 

It’s also crucial to keep track of and improve your email response times. Whatever the method of connection, it is crucial to introduce prospects to your brand and give them a clear call to action, such as reading more about your product or signing up for a free trial. 

Provide demos and trials

The following stage of the SaaS sales process usually entail persuading potential clients to begin a free trial and guiding them through a series of steps to get them acquainted with the product. This procedure frequently involves showing the product off with a demonstration, which can be accomplished via video, an automated guided tour, or a hands-on guided tour by a sales representative. 

Nevertheless, depending on their product and overall sales strategy, some SaaS companies may choose to promote a demo rather than a free trial.

Seal the Deal

Obtaining a commitment from the prospect is the goal of the closing stage, which is the last step in the SaaS sales process. This might entail negotiating the terms of the contract, addressing any last-minute objections or worries, and putting the necessary paperwork together. 

Sales teams can use a variety of strategies, including fostering a sense of urgency, providing incentives, emphasizing the solution rather than just the product, and skillfully employing closing questions to ask for the sale, to speed up the process of closing a sale in the SaaS sector. 

How to Pitch Your SaaS Product?

Here are some strategies for pitching your SaaS products:


It’s crucial to tailor the sales pitch to your target market in order to effectively pitch your SaaS product. This entails being aware of the audience you’re speaking to as well as their particular problems and requirements. You can pique their interest in your product by tailoring your pitch to address their particular issues.

One way to do this is to conduct a fruitful discovery call during which you elicit the most pressing needs of your prospect. Using this knowledge, you can modify your pitch to address their particular problems and show how your SaaS product can address them. This degree of personalization can increase the chance of a successful sale by fostering a sense of credibility and trust with your prospect.

Be narrative

It’s crucial to develop a narrative that tells a compelling story when crafting your sales pitch. You should start with broad concepts and work your way down to specifics. Consider practicing your pitch with close relatives and non-expert friends to make sure it is simple to understand. You can use this to determine which portions of your presentation require more clarification or explanation.

Additionally, it’s important to keep in mind that your pitch should be concise and easy to follow. Avoid overwhelming your prospects with too much technical jargon or details that are not relevant to their specific needs.


Your sales pitch can effectively use the fear of missing out (FOMO) to motivate potential customers to act. This psychological phenomenon may instill a feeling of urgency and encourage prospective customers to buy now rather than later. You can encourage prospects to act quickly by emphasizing limited time offers with short deadlines rather than postponing their decision-making. A strong motivator that encourages people to act quickly is the fear of losing out on a special offer or opportunity.

Invoke emotions

Making a sales pitch that appeals to emotions can be effective. Finding points of commonality with your customers will help you accomplish this effectively. You can establish a personal connection with people by demonstrating empathy and relating to their experiences. 

This can make them feel understood and open the door to discussing the advantages of your product, such as how it can help them make the most of their resources and realize their objectives. 

Be sincere

During sales pitches, it’s critical to be sincere and avoid overselling or exaggerating the merits of your offering. It is better to admit you don’t know the answer to a question than to make untrue promises. Destroying your reputation and losing customers can result from trying to sell to someone who does not need or cannot benefit from your product.  

Speaking with customers will help you learn vital details about their size, clientele, etc., and determine whether your product is a good fit for them. By doing this, you’ll be able to demonstrate that you care about your customers’ needs more than just making sales. A sincere approach will ultimately help you establish your reputation and save time.

Incorporate facts

Incorporate statistics and proof into your sales pitch. Although consumer decision-making is frequently influenced by emotions, rationalizing the choice is still essential. You can lend credibility to your pitch and give customers confidence in their choices by including data and case studies that support its emotional appeal.

Be clear and concise

It’s crucial to speak clearly and concisely when giving your sales pitch. If your audience does not speak English well, stay away from using complicated or technical language. Avoid mumbling and speak clearly. 

Your pitch should be natural and informal, not scripted or robotic. Take breaks to let your audience ask questions and make sure they comprehend what you are saying. It’s important to keep in mind that in a successful sales conversation, the customer will speak more than the salesperson. As a result, it’s crucial to engage the customer by prompting questions.

In Conclusion

Creating a successful SaaS sales strategy takes time, patience, and a willingness to experiment. In order to develop a successful strategy, you must integrate your sales and marketing teams, select a sales model that is in line with your product and business objectives, and employ lead generation strategies. Throughout the sales process, excellent customer service and customer retention are equally important. Keep in mind that keeping current customers is less expensive than finding new ones.

You must continue to show your customers the value of your product month after month and year after year if you want to sell your SaaS. Some clients will depart, while others might require termination. The key to success is choosing the right clients, giving them something of value, and fully comprehending your metrics. If done properly, your product will become the go-to option for clients looking to meet other pressing needs, boost revenue, accomplish business goals, or save time. Success will come naturally if you concentrate on ensuring the success of your clients.

Also check out:

The 4P’s of Marketing for SaaS Products

How to Generate a Potential Client list of SaaS Companies?

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